Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tricks of the Trade: Clean house with a Kiddo

Speed-Cleaning Tips

Inviting Living Area
  • Pick up the Play Things- get them all in a pile and sort them into the appropriate baskets. That way you don't have to keep bending over and couching down as you tidy up
  • Bust the Dust-To clean your TV and your tables, use a microfiber towel. You can get it from the auto section in the discount store.
  • Scent the Stage-sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and upholstered furniture, let it sit for 10 minutes, then vacuum it up with the brush attachment.
  • Sock Mop- Make cleaning the floors fun for the kiddos. Everyone puts on clean, old socks then spray the floor with kid-safe cleaner. Scurry around the floor with your sock feet. Whoever has the dirtiest socks at the end...gets to pick a game, lunch, or something else fun.
  • Bin It Up-Give each kid a bin. Have them collect their stuff around the house and return it to their bedroom. Anything that doesn't get collected gets tossed into a box to eventually be donated or thrown out.
Clutter Free Kid's Room
  • Compete for Neat-Turn picking up into a race. See who can can clean up their space more quickly----you or the kids.
  • Assign by Kind- Gather all of one kind then move on to the next. It saves time because you won't have the additional step of sorting. You can also assign each child a type of toy..Cars, Stuffed animals, Legos, etc..
  • Begin With the Bin- In your kids' room, have buckets or baskets for each type of toy--dolls,puzzles,games. When ever it is clean up time, it's easy to put everything back in its place. Plus, they love to throw the their toys in the "right" bucket. Also, the plastic colorful milk crates from Walmart work well.

Tidy Laundry Room
  • Lose the Lint- Use a dryer sheet over the surfaces to de-lint instantly.
  • Simply Sort-  Have at least two laundry baskets- One for whites and one for colors.. you can also have for towels or jeans. Have your child help sort so that you can just toss the clothes in the wash.

Gleaming Bathroom
  • Team with Steam- After you get out the shower, sponge everything down: walls, windows, even the floor. Everything cleans up easier when it is wet.
  • Shine in No Time- As a finishing touch, hit the mirror and other chrome with a non-streak cleaner. It is a easy way to give things a polished, "I cleaned up" look.
Sparkling Kitchen
  • Stop Smells-Put a piece of lemon or lime in the garbage disposal and run it. The citrus smell will cover up any food odor in the disposal and it will make the whole kitchen smell fresh.
  • Mount a Counter Assault- Put all able bodied family members to work wiping down surfaces--tables,counters, and stove top. Then have them clear the room so you can sweep the floor.
  • Microwave Messes- Heat a bowl of water in the microwave for a minute or two. The steam loosens any crusty buildup inside, so you can wipe it off easily.

*** Do daily maintenance. If  you clean for a few minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening, you won't be overwhelmed. Next time your kids are in the bath, give the toilets and sinks a quick wipe-down. Or do a five-minute toy sweep before lights-out.***

This info is from a Parents Magazine article.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I so needed to read this today! And you are a great example of this. I notice you give your full attention to whatever you’re doing. Thanks for the insight!!
