Monday, January 16, 2012

A Serious Case of Baby Fever

After my pregnancy, I decided that I didn't want to have another child until my son turned 5 or so. My husband agreed with me on this decision. My son is almost 14 months and now my husband wants another baby soon. Men are so indecisive. haha. My husband says he doesn't want the children to be too far apart in age. He wants them to enjoy playing together. I understand his reasoning. I too have had baby fever recently. Dillon is so big now. He walks,runs, talks (sorta),and doesn't like to cuddle so much. I miss him being itty bitty. I have also seen so many cute baby pictures of little girls lately and now that is all I can think about. Just the other day,I caught myself looking at baby girl clothes in the store.Baby fever has hit me hard.Of course,my husband wants another son but I want a little girl. I wish I could declare that I am pregnant right now but it is not the case. I really do want a baby but I think we should wait. My husband is getting out of the Army in a month and then we are moving to Colorado. Colorado is where he grew up and all of his family is there. We will being living with his mom, his brother, his brother's girlfriend, his brother's 4 year old son, his sister,his sister's husband, her 4 year old daughter,and her 1 year old daughter. We are suppose to be moving into a 5 or 6 bedroom house with them when we get to Colorado. Of course, I am very unsure about it all. I am a country girl from Louisiana. They are city people from Colorado. I guess we will see how it goes. We are making a lot of big changes soon. We bother need to find new jobs and get settled back in.So, I don't know if now is the right time for a baby. Oh, so many decisions! Thank goodness that I have the Mirena. I can't just take it out on my own or stop taking it like a pill. haha. Well, I will let ya'll all know on what I decide.

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