Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Bump on the Head

Dillon is almost 14 months now. He has been walking since he was 9 months. He is a perfect walker except he has my clumsiness and coordination. Poor boy! He is always bumping into things. He gets tiny bruises on his legs, but they never seem to bother him. He will fall down and get right back up. He likes to run now. He pushes his shoulders back and puts his hands behind him when he runs. It makes him look like he is holding a invisible cape and is about to take off flying. Today, he was running from his bedroom with his blanket in one hand. He was in his running stance with his blanket trailing behind him. When he reached the living room, he tripped over his blanket and fell head first onto the coffee table. It was very loud and sounded like it hurt.He held his breath for a few seconds then started screaming! I was by his side instantly. I made sure his teeth were okay and then I noticed the big scrape on his head. It is a pretty big scrape and will be all bruised up tomorrow. This is his first real injury, but it doesn't seem to phase him. He is already causing trouble again in his little footy pajamas. I picture him saying "Mommy stop worrying it is just a bump on the head but I would like some chocolate milk." Haha. Oh! What a boy!

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