Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Poptart Toes

My son has this weird habit. He likes to stomp on his food. I have seen him stomp his food many times. I watched him stomp on a chicken strip once. He stomped it three times and then ate it. No, I didn't take it from him, because I was laughing to hard. He will put his feet on his highchair tray just so he can rub his feet in his food.

I am explaining this habit of my son's so that you will understand the rest of this post.This morning I gave him a little bit of chocolate chip poptart. This was the first time he had tried a poptart. Of course, he loved it and made a mess with it. I cleaned him up and dressed him. The rest of the poptart was on the counter. Today I found out that he is now tall enough to reach the counter. I turned my back on him for a second, so I could go put clothes away. While I was gone, he realized that the poptart was on the counter. He decided since it is his anyways that he doesn't have to wait for me to give it to him. I came back into the living room to find a chocolate faced boy stomping his poptart into my living room carpet. I do not understand why he feels the need to stomp his food. But now I have the chocolate gooey center of a poptart stuck to my carpet.This boy is such a mess. I just can't stay mad at him. We are renting this house and move out in a few weeks. So, I am sure my landlord will charge us for the carpet.
Ruined carpet (a material possession)--$$$.$$ (I don't know how much the landlord will charge us.)
A chocolate faced boy smiling at me with poptart between his toes--PRICELESS

Who doesn't LOVE a toddler with poptart between his toes?

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