Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Sweet Little Star

Tiny fingers
and fat little toes
Beautiful blue eyes
and a itty bitty nose.

That moment I saw you
my life was complete.
You were so perfect
with those little feet.

I love to cuddle
and hold you in my arms.
I wanna protect you
and keep you from harm.

You're growing so fast.
It is hard to believe.
You can now smile
and giggle at me.

You can sit on your own
and crawl to explore
soon you will be walking
and doing so much more.

A smile with two teeth
and a laugh like no other
I am so very lucky
to be your mother.

You will always be my baby
no matter how big you are.
I will love you forever
my sweet little star.

By: Kirsty Auldridge 07/18/2011

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