Monday, January 23, 2012

Calie: The Pirate Dog

I think every child should have a animal companion. Dogs are great. My animal companion was a dog named Calie that spent almost 10 years with me. She was a Shi-zu, My mother rescued Calie when I was 8 years old. A lady was selling Calie and another dog. They were both in pretty rough shape.When my mom took them to the vet, she found out that they had been beaten and had seriously been neglected. She stopped payment on the check and brought home the dogs. I remember coming home from school and seeing this dog in my yard. She had one eye but you didn't realize it because the hair hung in her face. She was gray, black, and white. She was a little bit bigger than most Shi-zus you see now a days. She was perfect.
Calie in her early years.

 I instantly fell in love with her and she loved me back. My mom raised dogs so we always had animals around but no one was as special as Calie. Calie was a little unsociable around other dogs and it got worse when she got older. But there was one dog that Calie had a soft spot for. A black standard cocker spaniel named Mi High. She was pretty cool. She would eat anything us kids would eat and she loved tennis balls and the lake. She spent many years with us also. Calie and her were great friends. My 7th grade year Mi High was diagnosed with breast cancer. There was nothing the vets could do. My mom realized it was too bad when Mi High couldn't chase her tennis balls anymore. So in 8th grade, Mi High had to be taken to the vet to be put to sleep. I think it was one of the hardest things my mother ever had to do. After Mi High was put to sleep, Calie was depressed for a while. Calie never again liked another dog like that. Calie was truly my best friend. I turned to her many times. When my parents had problems, Calie was there for me. When my childhood friend passed away in 6th grade, Calie was there. On the worst of days, I knew Calie would be there to listen to me. For almost 10 years, Calie was by my side. She slept in my bed with me and would even take my naps with me.

Calie after losing hair.

She would watch you with her one eye and she did this funny thing where she rubbed her belly on the ground to scratch it.

One eye

She had a few litters of puppies and they were always so cute and healthy. She was a great momma dog, one of the best. My mom kept a few of her daughters. All great dogs like their momma. They are now getting kind of old.When Calie was about 8 years old, she started losing hair. It was already almost all grey by then. We never figured out why she lost her hair but it didn't really seem to bother her except that itch. She was always itching. We found some shampoos to kind of ease the itch for her. Along with the itch and hair lose, she had this strange smell. So she had to be bathed often. Some people were repulsed by her when they saw her because of the hair lose. We even had people go as far as to tell us that she needed to be put out of her misery. I did not like these people. Calie was never miserable. Even though Calie looked strange she was still so beautiful to me. If you couldn't accept and love Calie then you couldn't be in my life. Calie came before any boy or friend.  My friends even loved her. One friend called her zombie dog and pirate dog. When I left for college I know it was hard on my family including Calie. I hated that I couldn't take her with me. In January 2010, I was back from college for the holidays. I was working to cover tuition for the next semester. I met my husband at this time. I remember talking on and on about Calie to him. I said I can't wait for you to meet her. Just a few days after I met my husband, Calie left my life. She passed away on January 13th 2010. My husband never got to meet her. I remember waking up to get my little brother and sister up for school. Calie stayed on the bed to sleep. After they were awake and getting ready, I went to lay back down. Right after I lied down I heard a yelp come from Calie. I thought I hurt her leg or something. I wish it was as simple as that. Calie was having a stroke. I picked her up and ran to my parents' room. When I saw their faces I knew there was nothing they could do for her. I sat there holding Calie for what felt like forever. I couldn't stop crying and my mom said to not let her know I was scared. Just try to comfort her. About two hours later, Calie stopped breathing in my arms. I was heartbroken. I had just lost my oldest and best friend. Calie was a family member and a piece of our lives. Everyone lost her that day. My parents and I took it especially hard. Calie was about 13 years old when she died. She lived a good life with us and never went without. She was spoiled rotten.Calie meant the world to me.

It has been 2 years now and to this day I still miss her so much. She can not be replaced. She was one of of a kind. I hope one day my son can love a dog the way I loved Calie. I think ever child should have a great animal companion. A animal companion can never let them down and will be there to listen. This is to Calie and all other great animals out there. We love you! Thank you for the many great years!


  1. ok my eyes are not dry anymore. You made me cry that is a very fitting tribute to 2 amazing dogs
