Friday, January 20, 2012

Today With My Son

Today, my son and I spent the whole day together. We went to the PX. We wandered around there for a few hours. I let him loose in the toy section. He found a toy cell phone and bubbles. I ended up getting him some bubbles, a toy cell phone, a new jacket,and two new sippy cups with dinosaurs on them. I got him some chicken nuggets, apple slices, and chocolate milk for lunch.

He has been drinking out of his sippy cups really well lately. He is so smart. When he is done drinking out of his sippy cup, he will put it back in his cup holder on his stroller or highchair.
After he ate lunch, I took him to the nice playground beside the PX. He loved it!
He got to play with other children. He ran all over and slide down slides. He loves sliding down head first. He hit his head again. He was running towards a older boy when he ran into a pole. Again, it didn't phase him. He just kept going. Maybe, I should buy him a helmet. :-)
We stayed at the park for about a hour or more. We then went and picked up his daddy from work. Dillon was such a good boy today. I love spending so much time with him. He now has very red cheeks. I think it was from the chilly wind today or maybe the sun too. He had a very eventful day. Hopefully, he sleeps all through the night tonight. I have plans for us tomorrow too. I am still trying to lose weight so we are going for a long walk tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be really cold. After our walk, we are going to the playgrounds here at our complex. They aren't nearly as big or nice as the ones on post, but he still has fun. If it isn't too cold, we will spend most of our day outside. He LOVES being outside. I want to spend as much time with him as possible because it will be really different when we get to Colorado in a few weeks. I better get to bed soon so that I will have plenty of energy to keep up with him tomorrow. I wish I had a quarter of the energy he has. Goodnight yall! Remember to always cherish the little moments with your wonderful children.

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