Monday, January 16, 2012

Don't Stress It

Being a parent is stressful and always will be. Sleepless nights,cranky children,know it all people,and tantrums can push anyone to their breaking point.But being a parent is much more than stressful it is beautiful,fun,magical,and wonderful! You just have to go with the flow. Don't be hard on yourself. Enjoy the moments because they will pass too quickly. Let your child make messes, get dirty,scream loudly,and ruin their clothes. Material things mean nothing compared to the precious moments you will experience. If you are feeling stressed, just take a play break with your child. You are never too old to play with your child. Go for a walk on a pretty day or go to the park. Play tag or ride bikes. If it is too cold or rainy, stay inside and be creative. Make crafts,build with blocks, do a puppet show, build a fort out of pillows and sheets, or just cuddle while watching a movie. There is so much you can do. You won't regret it. You will be happy and your child will love you for those moments. The best things you can give your child is your love and attention. So go play with your children and enjoy every minute of it! Worry about the mess later! I promise it isn't going anywhere.
Play time!

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