Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Activities for Infants 3-8 months

These activities help with development. and of course they are fun.
  • Put a windup toy beside or behind your baby. Watch to see if your baby searches for the sound.
  • Common household items such as measuring spoons and cups make toys with interesting and shapes. Gently dangle and shake a set of measuring cups where your baby can reach or kick them. Let your baby hold them to explore and shake,too.
  • Fill an empty tissue box with strips of paper. Your baby will love pulling them out. (Do not use colored newsprint or magazines; they are toxic. Never use plastic bags or wrap.)
  • Place your baby in a chair or car seat to watch everyday activities. Tell your baby what you are doing. Let your baby see,hear,and touch common objects. You can give your baby attention while getting things done.
  • Give your baby a spoon to grasp and chew on . It is easy to hold and feels good in the mouth. It is also great for banging,swiping, and dropping.
  • Place voice games. Talk with high or low voice. Click your tongue.Whisper.Take turns with your baby.Repeat any sounds made by your baby.Place your baby so that you are face to face--your baby will watch as you make sounds.
  • Safely attach a favorite toy to a side of your baby's crib,swing,or cradle chair for him or her to reach and grasp.Change toys frequently to give him new things to see and do.
  • Place your baby on your knee facing you. Bounce him to the rhythm of a nursery rhyme. Sing and rock with the rhythm. Help your baby bring his or her together to clap to the rhythm.
  • While sitting on the floor, place your baby in a sitting position inside your legs. Use your legs and chest to provide only as much support as your baby needs. This allows you to play with your baby while encouraging independent sitting.
  • Fill a small plastic bottle(empty medicine bottle with child-proof cap) with bean or rice. Let your baby shake it to make noise.
  • Place your baby in a chair or car seat, or prop him or her with pillows. Bounce and play with a flowing scarf or a large bouncing ball. Move it slowly up,then down or side to side,so that your baby can follow movement with his or her eyes.
  • Your baby will like to throw toys to the floor. Take a little time to plat this"go and fetch"game. It helps your baby to learn to release objects. Give baby a box or pan to practice dropping toys into.
  • Gently rub your baby with a soft cloth, a paper towel, or nylon. Talk about how things feel (soft,rough,slippery). Lotion feels good,too.
  • Make another shaker using bells. Encourage your baby to hold one in each hand and shake them both. Watch to see if your baby likes one sound better than another.
  • With your baby lying on his or her back, place a toy within sight but out of reach, or move a toy across your baby's visual range. Encourage him to roll to get the toy.
  • Once your baby starts rolling or crawling on his or her tummy, play "come and get me." Let your baby move,then chase after and hug him or her when you catch them.
  • Let your baby see herself in a mirror. Place an unbreakable mirror on the side of your baby's crib or changing table so that she can watch. Look in the mirror with your baby,too. Smile and wave at your baby.
  • Place your baby on his or her tummy with favorite toys or objects around but just slightly out of reach. Encourage him or her to reach out for toys and move toward them.
  • Play peekaboo with hands,cloth,or a diaper. Put the cloth over your face first then let your baby hide.Pull the cloth off if your baby can't. Encourage your baby to play. Take turns.
  • Place your baby facing you. Your baby can watch you change facial expressions (bug smile,poking out tongue,widening eyes,raising eyebrows,puffing or blowing). Give your baby a turn. Do what your baby does.
  • Play with stacking toys or blocks.
  • Look at and read books with your baby.

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