Friday, March 9, 2012

My Tough Little Guy

It has been a rough few weeks for my little guy. The adjustment to Colorado has been hard on him. Our first few days here, he had a bad rash under his neck. He then came down with a cold. We battled with his fever for a few days. One morning he woke up with a fever of 104.9. The fevers scared me to death because he NEVER gets sick. Well, we finally got the cold to go away,but then literally a day later he really did a number on himself. He was running around the living room with a pillow. He tripped over the pillow and fell on my mother-in-law's wheelchair. He cut his nose all up. We had to take him to the hospital. All I saw was blood and I panicked.

While we were at the hospital his nose finally stopped bleeding. The doctor didn't do anything helpful and they sent up home. He only cried when the doctor touched it. He was such a good boy.

Not long after his nose incident he started throwing up and had the runs. My poor little guy just couldn't get a break. He looks like he is finally over all the viruses/flu. His nose is healing well and he has handled it like a champ.
The only problem we are having now is his cranky attitude. I guess the "Terrible 2's" have hit early. He can be a real brat lately. I think a lot of it has to do with all the changes lately. I wish I could fix it for him,but I don't know how. He has his good days and then he has his bad. I really like him on his good days. LOL. He is a lot more fun and we can do more.

Dillon having fun at the park with his cousins.

Dill and his cousin Tiny swinging.


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