Sunday, September 9, 2012

Almost 2.

I haven't posted in a few months. I have been extremely busy with my new job. Also, my son is going through Terrible Twos. He is a hand full. I wanted to give a update on my little guy. He will be 2 in November. He is tall and smart. He can talk but prefers not too. He just recently learned to hop and he loves it! He loves to go to the park and his favorite thing to do is slide. He is now very curious in books. He is obsessed with shoes. LOL.
He uses his toys to reach the kitchen counters. So, I have to watch him very carefully. We also just got him a toddler bed. He is learning to sleep in it. He is doing so well. It makes me sad to think he is almost two,but I am glad he is learning new things everyday. I am proud of my big,smart, and healthy little boy. I am a lucky mommy.

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