So like the title says, this post has nothing to do with the blog. Well maybe a little bit.
So,if you have read my blog you would know that my husband,son, and I live in a house with his family.
When we moved here everything was okay, but recently it has gotten out of control. His family can not stand me anymore and avoid me like the plague. It is a very long story but I plan to tell the short version because I need to rant.
So, my son is a year and a half. He is a sweet kid but he has to defend himself around here. His big cousins (5 year olds) are mean and he has a baby cousin. She is 3 months younger than him but she likes to bite and claw his face. Well, my son had a bite mark on his arm one day and it turned into a bruise. It pissed me off so I ranted on Facebook by posting a picture. The bite mark picture upset my husband's family. It escalated from there. My mother in-law and my 3 sister in-laws wanted to fight me. Now they talk shit behind my back and avoid me. I want to move so bad but my husband doesn't. I am so unhappy. I wish we had our own place. I am tired of being treated like shit. He doesn't understand . I wish he did. I followed him everywhere and moved where he wanted to move. My family lives in Louisiana and he will never move there so that means for me to be with him I can never live in Louisiana again. I will only get short visits with my family and not very often. I have given up
a lot to be with him..So, I wish that he would just move out of this house with me. I would do it for him.