So tomorrow (Friday the 10th), My husband will officially be out of the Army. We both have mixed emotions about it. I know he wants to stay in. He enjoys his job but he can not do it anymore. I am proud of him. He is a very dedicated soldier and strong leader. I hope he can find a job that makes him just as happy in the civilian world. I honestly like being a Army Wife. It makes me proud.. I know I sound a little silly. And of course the benefits are always a plus. I will always support my husband in the things he wants to do...as long as they are logical and sort of smart. LoL. I want him to make good decisions for our little family. I know that some Army wives think that I haven't endured as much as them. My husband and I have been married almost 2 years now, but he has not had to deploy during our marriage. He was held back from his last deployment because he suffered hearing lose. This is the reason he can not continue his job in the Army. My husband was told a week before deployment that he could not deploy. This was hard on him. He thought he was letting his fellow soldiers down. Everyone told me that I was lucky he didn't deploy. They said at least he gets to be there for his son's birth. Yes, this is true. I was happy he would be there for Dillon's birth but it also put us in serious debt. We couldn't pay off our bills with the extra money that deployment would provide. Of course,money isn't everything. I expected the bills and debt, but what I didn't expect were the remarks. I heard everything you could think of. Someone said that my husband was less of a man and soldier for not deploying. He dealt with remarks from Army wives and other fellow soldiers. He did not choose to stay behind. He wanted to deploy but of course that did not mean anything to the others. They saw what they wanted to see. I saw a man that felt like he betrayed his friends. My husband lost his dad and grandmother within 3 months of the start of that deployment. He almost missed his son's birth because of his dad's death. We struggled with bills and money. He had no friends to talk to during this time. He only had Dillon and I. His Army career came to an abrupt halt. His life was turned upside down in just a few months. I wish my husband had got to do the things he wanted to do. To this day, I still think that he is the strongest man I know. I am still so proud to be his wife. Soldier or not he will always be my hero.
And for everyone that doubted my husband..I feel sorry for you. You looked down on a man in his weakest moments. You hid behind words. You are the weak ones. My husband has ten times the strength that you have. He is more of man than you or your husbands will ever be. He is a true soldier. One that is willing to give up everything to fight for his country.
And I..I may not have had to stay behind while my husband left..I may not have had to sleep alone for months at a time...But I did stand behind my man when it counted the most. I was there for him and I never turned my back on him. I believe that is what counts. I believe that is the true definition of a Army wife.
Tomorrow, we will say goodbye to the Army life. Time for a new start. I hope for the best.