Lately, I have been stressing out big time. We move in about a week and I don't know if I am ready. We have a lot less money than we expected to have for the move. The movers broke my son's crib and packed our dirty clothes. I had all my clothes in that basket and some of them were wet. UGH! Oh and we still don't have a house in Colorado yet. I am just a little overwhelmed. I am still trying to regulate Dillon's sleep schedule and get him to sleep in his crib (right now his playpen). He is doing better but it is going to be a long struggle. He has stopped taking the bottle all together.Except the few times my husband has given it to him. I am proud of Dill.
Trying to dress his self. :) |
He is so big and smart now. He does so many things that other toddlers his age can't do. I live for my son. He is the most amazing and sweetest little boy ever. The last few days, he has been very sweet. He will walk up out of no where and give me hugs and kisses. He just started this. His usual kisses are more like biting. Also on Saturday night, we went out to eat and watched a movie. Dill was so well behaved,which surprised me because he was very cranky before hand. He didn't cause any trouble at the restaurant. He was actually being a little flirt. He kept smiling at a lady across from us and he was trying to talk to a little girl at another table near us. He was very good at the movies too. He fell asleep half way through. My little boy is growing up so fast. It is hard to grasp. The time flies by quickly, but that just reminds me everyday to spend as much time with him as possible. Carpe Diem----Seize the Day
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